Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Diploma from the Government of the Republic of Moldova and Medal from ULIM

As I am working with my colleague Larisa on an article about our USF-ULIM Joint Study Abroad course in Moldova, I am reminded of how behind I am in posting about the course.

I have not yet shared all of the wonderful memories and once-in-a-lifetime experiences from that trip (Spring Break 2013).  (Though I did post a video that includes many of the highlights:  USF ULIM Joint Course video )

My colleague from ULIM Larisa, presenting the Diploma

At our celebratory dinner on our last night in Chisinau, I was  humbled and honored to have received a medal from ULIM. I am profoundly grateful for my Fulbright Award, which brought me to Moldova -- and for the opportunity to work with wonderful colleagues at ULIM.  I am looking forward to many more years of collaboration!


And I was deeply honored to have been awarded this Diploma from the Government of the Republic of Moldova in appreciation for my fruitful collaboration with colleagues at ULIM

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