Wednesday, July 13, 2016

European Society for Comparative Legal History Conference: University of Gdansk, Moldova presentation

Day 4 of the European Society of Comparative Legal History conference was held at the University of Gdansk at the law school.

They must have saved the proverbial best for last, as my panel and the panel I was chairing were scheduled for the final day of the conference.

My presentation was part of a panel, "Law, Human Rights, and Democracy" -- and I presented my research

"The Impact of Decisions of the European Court of Human Rights on Legal and Judicial Reform in the Republic of Moldova"

I chaired a panel "Institutions and Politics," that included research paper presentations by scholars from Australia, Brazil, and Thailand.

After the final panel, buses took us back to the Old Town.  I changed and then went exploring myself.  Will post separately pics of the Post Office where the first shots of World War II were fired and my climb to the top of Europe's largest brick cathedral in a separate post.

the law professor who chaired my panel brought his copy of the Moldovan Constitution (in Polish) for our discusion

Here I am as Chair of final panel at the conference

in the atrium of the law school at the University of Gdansk

with the conference organizers EXTRAORDINAIRE!!  Anna Klimaszewska, Michal Galedek, and Maria Lewandowicz

as I was exploring the Old Town I was delighted to run into scholars from the conference - from Russia, Brazil (now Portugal), Poland, Germany (now Belgium), and Finland

I didn't take many food pictures on this trip, but this is a traditional Polish soup zurek (sausages and eggs)

Lech Walesa has an office in this building, and it is said that he occasionally will come out to greet visitors

Good Bye, Gdansk! What a wonderful conference.

At the Warsaw airport on the layover - took pictures of McDs signs in Polish for my daughter

found Dory in Polish in the In Flight magazine

1 comment:

  1. Împărtășesc această mărturie cu partenerii care se luptă în relațiile lor pentru că există o soluție de durată. Soțul meu ne-a lăsat pe mine și pe cei 2 copii ai noștri pentru o altă femeie timp de 3 ani. Am încercat să fiu puternică doar pentru copiii mei, dar nu am putut controla durerea care îmi chinuia inima. Am fost rănit și confuz. Am avut nevoie de ajutor, așa că am făcut câteva cercetări pe internet și am dat peste un site web unde am văzut că Dr. Ellen, un vrăjitor, vă poate ajuta să vă recuperați iubiții. Am contactat-o ​​și a spus o rugăciune specială și vrăji pentru mine. Spre surprinderea mea, dupa 2 zile sotul meu s-a intors acasa. Așa că ne-am reunit și a fost atât de multă dragoste, bucurie și pace în familie. De asemenea, puteți lua legătura cu Dr. Ellen, un puternic asistent de soluții
    1) recâștigă-ți fostul iubit
    2) Aduceți soțul și soția împreună
    3) nu mai repeta coșmarurile
    4) Leac pe bază de plante pentru HIV și cancer
    5) Inel magic puternic
    6) farmec norocos
    7) Ruperea obsesiilor
    8) Probleme legate de naștere și sarcină. Contactați-l prin EMAIL:
    Whatsapp +2349074881619
