Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Certificate! Library Conference at ULIM: Civic Engagement in the Online Classroom

What a pleasure to participate in the Library Conference at ULIM -- on the topic "Civic Engagement in the Online Classroom."

This morning I opened my emails to receive this certificate:

For more about my presentation at the Library Conference at ULIM, see 

For more about ULIM, see

Certificate! Presentation: "USFSP-ULIM: A Decade of Scientific Cooperation,” UNIVERSITAS EUROPEA: Towards a Knowledge-Based Society through Europeanisation and Globalization conference. ULIM

What a pleasure to participate in ULIM's Opening Ceremony to express gratitude for a decade of scientific cooperation.

This morning, when I opened my email, I received this certificate:

I look forward to hanging in my office -- once I return to working out of my office at USF.


For more about the Opening Ceremony, and a video of the presentation, see

 For more about ULIM, see

Monday, October 19, 2020

ULIM conference -- “UNIVERSITAS EUROPEA: Towards a Knowledge-Based Society through Europeanisation and Globalization" -- presentation: "Civic Engagement in the Online Classroom"

This morning I had the pleasure of speaking at the conference organized by ULIM's Library:  “UNIVERSITAS EUROPEA: Towards a Knowledge-Based Society through Europeanisation and Globalization"

Previously on this blog I posted the Call for Proposals as well as the Conference Program:



 I presented on the topic "Civic Engagement in the Online Classroom"


In this presentation I will discuss the development and implementation of a civics project in an online American Government course. The challenges and opportunities of managing civic engagement projects in an online format will be explored. I have taught American National Government online for thirteen semesters.  During that time I administered anonymous pre-test and post-test surveys and collected Reflection Papers and Discussion Board Posts about each of the Civics Projects. In addition, the university administered anonymous end-of-course evaluations, and the Center for Civic Engagement administered anonymous student surveys of this Citizen Scholar course.  I will analyze the results of the survey data along with content analysis of the student reflection papers and discussion board posts in order to determine the impact of the civics project on students' civic learning and political engagement in the online course delivery format. Lessons learned are applicable to courses in fields that seek to incorporate service learning, community-based research, or civic engagement in the online context.

 For more about  my research on this topic, see

“Civic Engagement in the Online Classroom: Increasing Youth Political Engagement in an Online American Government Course.” Vol. 8, No. 1 (April 2019)  eJournal of Public Affairs, pp. 32-68. 


“Promoting Civic Literacy and Engagement during the COVID-19 Pandemic,” with Elizabeth Bennion.  PSNow, American Political Science Association, 23 March 2020


The brains behind the organization of this ULIM Library conference

Wonderful to be collaborating again with Larisa Patlis

It was like old times -- with 2 presentations "at" ULIM in the last 4 days.

from my living room in Florida I joined colleagues in Chisinau (and from around Europe -- there were also participants from Romania, Norway, and beyond)-- you can see our banana trees in the background

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 Thanks again Larisa Patlis for the invitation!

Sunday, October 18, 2020

ULIM - 28th Opening Ceremony -- "USFSP-ULIM: A Decade of Scientific Cooperation"

I was delighted to be invited to participate in ULIM's 28th Opening Ceremony -- taking place virtually this year.  My presentation celebrated "USFSP - ULIM: A Decade of Scientific Cooperation" 

 Here is a link to the video we recorded, with Romanian subtitles:

And here are some pictures of the event.  As it turned out, I WAS online between 2:00 AM and 3:00 AM when the event was live, so I participated remotely via zoom.  There were also speakers/participants at ULIM, physically distanced.

La Multi Ani, ULIM!

For more about ULIM, see

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virtually together with dear colleague Larisa PATLIS
what a wonderful  Opening Ceremony; many thanks Valentina CIUMACENCO

Opening Ceremony PROGRAM:

Conferința științifică cu participare internațională cu ocazia a 28 de ani de la fondarea ULIM.

La 16 octombrie curent, cu prilejul marcării celor 28 de ani de activitate ULIM, a fost organizată într-un mod atipic Conferința științifică ”UNIVERSITAS EUROPAEA: SPRE O SOCIETATE A CUNOAŞTERII PRIN EUROPENIZARE ŞI GLOBALIZARE”.
În cadrul Ședinței în plen au fost susținute o serie de comunicări științifice antrenante relatate de către:
- Igor ȘAROV, Ministru al Educației, Culturii și Cercetării
- E.S. Dl. Marko SHEVCHENKO, Ambasador Extraordinar și Plenipotențiar al Ucrainei în Republica Moldova
- Mykola GNATOVSKY, conf. univ. dr., Președinte Comitetul Contra Torturii pe lângă Consiliul Europei, prim vicepreședinte al Asociației de Drept Internațional, Kiev, Ucraina
- Oksana SENATOROVA, conf. univ. dr., Universitatea Națională de Drept „Yaroslav the Wise”, Harkov, Ucraina
- Vladimir VARDANEAN, conf. univ. dr., Președinte Comisia Parlamentară pe Probleme Juridice, Erevan, Armenia
- Judithanne Scourfield McLAUCHLAN, conf. univ. dr., Director Centru Angajament Civic, Universitatea din Florida de Sud (USF), SUA
- Anastasia KUSHLEYKO, Consultant Prevenire, Secția Prevenire, Sediul Comitetului Internațional al Crucii Roșii, Geneva, Elveția
- Valentina CIUMACENCO, conf. univ. dr.,Prorector pentru Relații Internaționale, ULIM
- Andrey KOZIK, conf. univ. dr., șef Direcția juridică, Delegația regională a ICRC, Moscova, Federația Rusă
- Kanstantsin DZEHTSIAROU, dr., Universitatea Liverpool, Regatul Marii Britanii și al Irlandei de Nord
- Elena PRUS, prof. univ., dr. hab., Prorector Proiecte, ULIM ,,Provocările megacrizei pandemice vs soluții pentru sistemului universitar”
- Eugen STRĂUȚIU, prof. univ. dr., Universitatea „Lucian Blaga”, Sibiu, România
- Florentin PALADI, prof. univ., dr. hab., Prorector pentru Știință, USM ,, Ecosistemul (clusterul) inovațional al Universității „Educație – Cercetare Inovare – Dezvoltare”
- Serghei ȚURCAN, conf. univ. dr., Curtea Constituțională, Republica Moldova
- Vitalie GAMURARI, conf. univ. dr., Prorector pentru Cercetare Științifică și Studii Doctorale, ULIM Dreptul internațional în condiții de crize: teorie și practică.
ULIM a fost înființată în data de 16 Octombrie 1992, zi marcată anual prin organizarea unei conferințe științifice internaționale.
Menționăm că lucrările conferinței vor continua în perioada de 19 - 24 octombrie curent, în cadrul Facultăților și a Departamentului Informațional Biblioteconomic. Pentru a studia programul accesați:

 Special THANKS to our wonderful crew in our Distance Learning Studio at USF St. Petersburg -- David Brodosi and Deanna Salt -- who helped record a professional video for this important event.

Thursday, October 15, 2020

ULIM -- Symposium -- Education Libraries in a Continuous Process of Development and Transformation

Our dear colleague -- Larisa Patlis -- whom we hosted at USFSP as a Carnegie Fellow -- is now working at ULIM's Library. We are pleased that she shared this call for proposals with us and that we continue our cooperation and collaboration.

Distinguished librarians from USFSP's Poynter Library  --Theresa Burress, Emily Mann, Allison Symulevich -- will be presenting at the conference. And I will be, too! 

Will post more about the presentations after the conference, which is scheduled to take place virtually on 16 October 2020.




Recording a Video for ULIM's 28th Opening Ceremony: "USFSP - ULIM: A Decade of Scientific Cooperation"

I was delighted to be invited to participate in ULIM's 28th Opening Ceremony -- taking place virtually this year.  My presentation celebrated "USFSP - ULIM: A Decade of Scientific Cooperation"

Special THANKS to our wonderful crew in our Distance Learning Studio at USF St. Petersburg -- David Brodosi and Deanna Salt -- who helped record a professional video for this important event.

 La Multi Ani, ULIM!

For more about ULIM, see