Tuesday, April 6, 2021

European Observatory of Service Learning in Higher Education features the article co-authored with Larisa Patlis about Cultivating Global Citizenship in Higher Education

While I was searching for something, I came across the European Observatory of Service Learning in Higher Education website - which featured an article that I co-authored with Larisa Patlis about our joint Study Abroad course:



Cultivating Global Citizenship in Higher Education: Civic Engagement and Service Learning in Joint Study Abroad Courses

Scourfield McLauchlan, Judithanne; Patlis, Larisa


Volume Issue Pages DOI / ISBN / ISSN
4 1 111-129


Language Country


The authors developed an alternative Spring Break Study Abroad course to bring University of South Florida (USF) students to Moldova to study with their counterparts at the Free International University of Moldova (ULIM). The course was a Political Science seminar about the history, government, and politics of Moldova. The authors shared a desire to cultivate “global citizens” and to provide opportunities for their students to work collaboratively. The course was distinctive in its level of integration of U.S. students with colleagues in Moldova. Students had the opportunity to meet with leaders of NGOs working to strengthen civil society in Moldova. In addition to their time spent in direct service, students learned from agency staff who answered questions about social issues, the formation of social policy, and social justice in Moldova. Students volunteered together at orphanages and at a domestic violence shelter. In addition to working with the students enrolled in the joint course, one service project was implemented with the Lion’s Club Chisinau with students from several other universities in Chisinau as well.


Study abroad; Global citizenship; Moldova; Civic engagement international; Service learning

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