I asked my students to send me their thoughts/reactions/comments about the Forum, and I am looking forward to hearing from them what they found to be of interest/importance.
I am teaching a short course on US Campaigns in November, leading up to the Parliamentary elections here in Moldova
We will discuss best practices in the US, and we will include guest speakers from the US as well as from Moldova (who will explain how we can take the material that I share and apply/use it in Moldova)
You can see here that the Dean of the Library, a former Fulbrighter, arranged an exhibit in Aula Austria (where our event took place) of books and materials from the library about US government and politics. (Here I am holding a copy of the US Constitution in Romanian) The materials are in Russian, Romanian, and English.
The short course on campaigns will take place in the 4th Floor Library, 3rd Reading Room on Monday, Wednesday and Friday -- November 8, 10, and 12 -- from 1 pm to 3 pm. Please contact me if you wish to register for the course.
This event was such a smashing success that I will likely organize a similar forum that is a post-election analysis -- what happened on November 2nd and what does it all mean -- so stay tuned!
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