Each child in Peggy's class was to make a presentation about a holiday tradition in his/her home country. We decided that Peggy would make a presentation about "Christmas in Sunny Florida."
We created a powerpoint presentation with photos of boat parades, decorated golf carts (and golf cart parades), sand angels, decorated palm trees, pre-lit palm tree Christmas trees, flamingos in Santa hats, and santas on surfboards. And, of course, our favorite, Christmas at DisneyWorld. We love to see all the decorations at Magic Kingdom, the light show at Hollywood Studios, the concert at Epcot - and especially the Holidays Around the World at Epcot.
While we missed some of our Florida traditions this year, how wonderful it was for Peggy to learn about the Holidays Around the World - not from a book or even from talking to "Pere Noel" in "France" at Epcot - but from her friends in her class (and their parents) who really are from around the world (Belarus, Bulgaria, Mozambique, Germany, Sweden, Mauritius. . . ). It would have been great if I could have sat in on the other presentations, but Peggy would tell me about them over dinner.
After Peggy's presentation, her friends presented her with a wonderful gift: a book that they had made that included photos and artwork from every child in her class and inscriptions from all of the teachers at the school. (This was Peggy's last week at QSI.) What a special memento! A real treasure. As they sing at QSI,
"Make new friends, but keep the old. One is silver and the other gold. A circle is round, it has no end. That is how long I want to be your friend."
The day of Peggy's holiday presentation was also her last day of Girl Scouts (Daises). I stayed for Daises, and we brought some refreshments for the girls. We'll have to be in touch with the Girl Scouts of West Central Florida after we get back home. I am sure Peggy will always treasure her first Girl Scout experience -- in Chisinau -- where she earned her first merit badge.
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