Sunday, October 10, 2010

Wine Festival, cont.

Included in this post are photos of some of the goodies we brought home from the festival. The three clear plastic bottles are the new wine - not the chardonnay that I had tasted, but a muskat - from the first vendor that we had sampled. Not how I am used to purchasing wine. I was instructed to bring it home and invite friends over to enjoy it right away, while it was still fresh and tasty. It cost only 10 lei per bottle -- which is about 87 cents! (Value of the $ has gone down slightly since we've been here. Still, can you believe we bought a bottle of new wine for 87 cents??)

You'll see also some free sample of pepperoni crackers. (We've seen all sorts of flavored crackers here -- reminds me of the UK, where we've seen all sorts of flavors of "crisps" -- I was going to ask whether this was a European thing -- but then I remembered one of my earlier posts, in which I confessed that when I go shopping at Target while hungry that I end up buying all sorts of crazy flavors of Archer Farms products - so I guess this creativity with favors of chips and crackers is universal)

And here we are being interviewed. I said we'd been having a great time at the Festival, despite the weather. And that we were impressed with the Moldovan wines that we'd sampled.

You'll see in the photo of some of the treats we brought home that I stayed away from the more well-known wineries and tried to sample/purchase from some of the smaller vineyards that we had not yet heard of.

In fact, in the tent where we were interviewed - we were at just such a spot - a wine guild where some smaller wineries had come together to pool resources and be able to participate in this and other events, to raise their profile

Here is a photo of Peggy in her stroller, outside our apartment while waiting for our taxi to pick us up. We have been here 7 weeks. This was the first time that we brought out the stroller. But she seemed tired, and I thought that walking around the festival at the convention center would be more enjoyable if she could hang out in the stroller. This ended up being a good choice.

As I look at this photo, I realize that I have walked by those signs so many times, but never really looked at them. No beeping/horns, no pedestrians, and no -- being blue?? I have no idea what that 3rd sign means. Need to ask one of my Moldovan friends what is being prohibited by that sign --

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