Friday, September 17, 2010

approach to the village of Donici

Here are a few photos as we were driving into the village of Donici.

more horsecarts.
blurry photo of the countryside (bumpy roads!)
check out this roof, packed with mud.
here is a well; there is no running water in the village.

Peggy had fallen asleep on the ride from the monastery to the manor house. So I waited in the car with Peggy while our friends went in to tour the manor house museum.

It was so peaceful in the village. I listened to the roosters. The rustle of the leaves in the gentle breeze. The sound of someone's radio in the distance.

Of course, my inclination was to reach into my bag for something to do - not to waste one minute - but I didn't bring work with me. So I was "forced" to sit and relax for a few minutes. I reflected on life in the village.

I hope we can take many more trips out to the countryside of Moldova while we are here. It is beautiful. Just like the relief map we saw in the Ethnographic and Nature Museum. Rolling hills. You drive up a hill, then down into a valley -- then up a hill, then down into the valley. I think we need to go back to the Museum to look at the map again -- and look for Curichi and Donici on the map.

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